Delipop – the new urban brand which creates network of pedestrian drives

“I have long believed that drive must be a ‘consumer hub’: an aggregator of offers and flows. In short, drive and reciprocity are two words that will inevitably come together,”- says Olivier Dauvers in his article on Delipop revolutionary Universal Network of robotic click-and-collect pedestrian drives.

“If Delipop succeeds in seducing several brands, the customer will then come to pick up his Leclerc, Carrefour or Auchan orders, for example. 

Delipop can convince them [brands] with a resounding and stumbling argument: it lowers the costs of making orders available while more finely linking a territory, not to mention the absence of investments since the cost is variable via a commission on each order. 

Basically, it involves applying the principle of parcel collection networks (…) to the pedestrian drive. Particularity of Delipop, however, linked to its shareholder RetailRobotics: the withdrawal will be automated”.

Thank you Olivier for the positive feedback!

Read the full article here ->

Also check out Olivier Dauvers video from the opening of the first Delipop at 194 avenue de Versailles in Paris in the 16th arrondissement: